Friday, December 11, 2015

Wednesday, December 9, 2015

Don't rush off...

We practiced several phrasal verbs today.  Phrasal verbs have two words and unique meanings from the words separately.  Drop has a different meaning from drop off.

Advanced Level Phrasal Verbs Dictionary-- study this only in small doses. You are better off talking to people or watching TV in English than you are memorizing this.

What phrasal verbs do you know?

Tuesday, December 8, 2015

The Cupid Shuffle


The dance:

I always thought "walk it by yourself" meant dance your own way, but I like how this man "walks it out" better.  I wish I'd seen the dance tutorial before I taught the dance!  I'm often surprised at what we can find on youtube now.

Do you like to dance?  What kind of dancing do you do?  Do you know any dances you can teach the class during the party on Thursday?

Monday, December 7, 2015

It's been a long day without you....

My AM class had a long day -- that reading test makes people tired.  I miss my PM class.  We often say we had a long day when stressful things happen.  How was your day today?

December 7

Today is Pearl Harbor Day in the USA.  The USA began fighting in World War II because Hawaii was bombed by Japan.

I haven't seen the movie that goes with the next video.  Have you?

For me, December 7 is the day that lives in infamy, but people from other places think of other things.
Sylvia said that December 7 is "Candle Day" in Colombia.  People get the day off work,  Everyone in the family lights a candle, and you can see many beautiful candles in the neighborhood.  In the Catholic church, people celebrate the Virgin Mary's conception on December 7.

Do you like to study history?   What past times are the most interesting for you? 
Are there dates that your country commemorates? 

A home

House Vocabulary from

(Great job today on doing the listening test on the smart board!!)

A handyman can fix many things.  Do you have any needs that could use a handyman?  Did you ever fix something?  What did you fix?

Friday, December 4, 2015

It's Time to Sign Up for Winter Classes!!

Morning classes at Pimmit start on January 11, 2016.  They cost $299 for the tuition, $35 for the book, and $20 for a registration fee.  If you pay before the last class in the term and have great attendance, you don't pay the $20 registration fee!  Most of my AM students qualify -- great job!!

If you stay in my level, you don't need a new book.

If you have a friend that wants to take English, tell them to talk to the office as soon as possible and to come on January 5 to test for the level.

Thursday, December 3, 2015

Computer Class AM at Pimmit in December 2014


Where? Use the preposition

This video is similar to the exercise we did today in class.  
Stop at 5:37 because the teacher changes topics.

This video is long, but it's well done and has many excellent examples

Where are you?  Where is your brother?  Where is your child?
    (I am at school.  I don't have a brother.  My children are at five different schools right now.)

Tuesday, December 1, 2015

Who moves up?

Everyone takes a reading test, but I'm not supposed to "teach to" that test, and it's only one factor in whether you move up.  Since many people take different tests, I can't really teach to the CASAS reading test anyway.

 I want my students to succeed, and I will move you up if I think you will be okay in high intermediate.  I assess students at the end of the term on their levels in listening, speaking, and writing. The CASAS test you take will place you in reading.  If you meet many of the exit standards higher than the level of my class, you move up.

Some things on the list:

--The student initiates conversations in English
--The student asks questions when he or she doesn't understand
--The student uses present continuous, simple past, future, and simple present verbs correctly
--The student follows class instructions.  The student can observe and figure out what to do even when he or she doesn't understand every word of the instructions

I usually keep students in my level when
-- listening is really hard.  If you have trouble following directions in my class, I won't move you up.
-- the reading level is below high intermediate.
-- they are frequently speaking their native language during class -- if you feel you need translation in my class, you don't need a harder class
--they often seem disengaged or miss most of the classes.  People who don't understand don't like to participate.  If you don't participate, I will think you probably don't understand.

I'm sorry this video doesn't have subtitles yet...

Are you moving up, but grammar is really a problem?  Please Do these exercises and tell me if they work for you

How much? How many?

Use a lot (+) or much (?,-) for non-count.  Use many or a lot for count.

Sorry about the wierd fake accent in the next video, but I think it summarizes today's grammar.  I use "many" in positive statements, but not "much."

If it's all a little too much -- you feel overwhelmed -- like your life or your goal is too hard.

I remember the 80's, but not this next song.  Despite the claim that the video was made for English Language Learners, the author wrote "wan't" when it should be "won't."

What do you have too much of?  What do you have too many of?

Monday, November 30, 2015

Talking about liquids and love...

Count vs. Non-count slides  (my slides)

Another teacher's slides (some food is count; some non-count)

Is it count? Check the flashcard!

More explanation and practice (Including a repeat of these videos)

What do you have in your refrigerator?  Do you like to cook?  How often do you cook?  Can you please share your favorite recipe?  We ate so many delicious meals that I want to learn to cook!!

Sunday, November 29, 2015

Did you shop this weekend?

The spelling on this next video is awful and it's about dating rather than shopping for stuff, but the speed and rhythm will be good for you.  "You better" should be written you'd better (had better.)  If you had better do something, refusal to do it will result in unpleasant consequences.

Thao got some great deals in Maryland.  Liliana found some good deals at the Leesburg Outlets.  Six people told me they were disappointed by the prices at Tysons Corner.  Two people didn't find any good deals at Fair Oaks Mall.  One person said that Kohl's was really crowded, but the deals weren't all that good.  Four people refused to shop on Black Friday because it was too crowded the last time they went out on Black Friday.

What did you do on Black Friday?  My cousins went to the beach.  Did you find any bargains for black Friday or Cyber Monday?  What?  Where?

Thursday, November 26, 2015

History of Thanksgiving

This video has more information than the handout from class...

Do you think that being thankful and appreciating family promotes peace?

The first Thanksgiving was similar to English Harvest Festivals.  Do you have the same or similar holidays in your countries?  Please tell me about them...

Wednesday, November 25, 2015

Happy Thanksgiving!

Thanksgiving Rituals we don't talk about....

I hope you are having a great day!!  Please write about it.

American Football at Thanksgiving!

  Do you like football?

American Football Vocabulary

This video isn't really made for ESOL--it's fast with a lot of talking.  Let me know if you can understand it.

Are you watching the Superbowl today?  Which team will win? 

Tuesday, November 24, 2015


Enjoy your day!

Are you bored with nothing to do?  Maybe you can make a video!  Show us how to do something you like to do -- play a fun game, cook or barbecue a delicious meal, dance, or even do basic chores.  You could possibly make part of some English grammar videos like these:  (Start watching 2 minutes in--they are about 10 minutes long.  If you make a video, I'll be happy about it at any length...)

English with sound and light simple present

English with Sound and Light Present Progressive

English with Sound and Light past tense

English with sound and light future with going to

If you aren't bored, please write about your day.  How are you?  What are you doing?

Thursday, November 19, 2015

Classified Advertisement Abbreviations

If you're looking for a job or a new place to live, it's important to understand classified ad abbreviations.  There are also some abbreviations on our reading test!  Here is practice for some of the most common abbreviations.

Common Abbreviations on Quizlet

Learning Chocolate job ad abbreviation exercises

Learning Chocolate apartment ad abbreviation exercises

Snag-a-job ads for jobs

I got three former jobs from classified ads.  I found two apartments and a townhouse from classified ads.  Did you ever find a job or an apartment or something you wanted from a classified ad?

Friday, November 13, 2015

Superlative-- Simply the Best

Practice comparative and superlative
Can you describe your best friend?  or
Describe the best day you ever had...  or
Describe the best thing you've ever bought.

Thursday, November 12, 2015

What questions should we ask your classmates?

What do you want to know?  What do you like to talk about?

Food! Wonderful Food!

Every day, Sandra makes coffee with Jacqueline and Erika.  They also clean up.  Today, Nathalie and Maria brought cups.  Salvador got many of the supplies we use.

Today, Faye brought delicious fruit and yummy home-made cookies!

Yesterday, Kyung brought fruit salad and fried vegetables and onions!  And Jie Di brought sushi AGAIN!

The day before yesterday, May brought yummy chinese food--"ascetic" had lamb, orange peppers, and rice.

Salvador started the trend of bringing amazing international food when his sister made pupusas for us.  She also made for us.

Gulay and Saziye brought really delicious dishes from Turkey:  Kesir and Revani.

The food has been amazing!

Did you bring food?  What did you bring?  Did you try a new food in class?  What did you try?  Write about your experience.

Do you like to cook?

Do you like to cook?  What do you cook?  How did you learn to cook?

Do you like to shop?

Shop around means look for what you want at many stores, not just one.

Do you like to shop?  Where do you like to shop?  What do you want to buy?

Wednesday, November 11, 2015

This Land is My Land

Possessive Pronoun board game
Many of you are traveling around the United States.   What do you like?   Please write about your best and worst experiences.

Make or Do

PM Class at Plum :  Please use the words in the chart on p. 43 to write sentences for me.

What chores do you have to do today?  What do you enjoy making?

Veteran's Day

Thank you Veterans!!

Who are veterans?  Veterans are people who serve in the military and survive that service.  Veterans Day used to be Armistice Day,  People remembered World War I at 11:00 on 11/11.  Now, we honor all the soldiers that serve in the Armed Forces on Veteran's Day.

WE HAVE SCHOOL TODAY!  It's a holiday, but not a day off from school!!  Thank you for honoring our Veterans with a minute of silence at 11:00 AM.

This next song is a great example of a south-eastern rural US accent. "Ain't" is an "uneducated" way to say "aren't."  Cus or cuz aren't words.  They are "text" for "because."

 Do you make XXXX to mean kisses, and OOO to mean hugs in your letters?

How often do you write letters?  Were letters ever really important to you?  What makes you proud?  Do you know anyone that serves in the military?  Can you describe that person and what he or she does?

Tuesday, November 10, 2015

AM Comparative and Superlative Videos

Compare something you have now to a similar item from your past.  What do you like better?  What is not as good?

Monday, November 9, 2015

Things will get better. Keep trying....

Tell me about doing something hard.  Tell me about a time that you felt like stopping, but you didn't stop.  You kept trying until it got better.  You did it!

Monday, November 2, 2015

We have school today! Did you change your clock?

Last Saturday night(Sunday Morning at 2 AM) the time in the USA changed.  We moved our clocks back one hour to move from "daylight savings" time to "standard time."  We say "Fall back!  Spring Forward!" to remember to go back an hour in autumn, and forward and hour in spring.  Many people replace the batteries in their smoke detectors at the same time as fixing all their clocks.

(My husband likes to joke that since daylight savings time is now longer than standard time we should change the names to "standard time" (for the summer rather than the winter) and "daylight wasting time.")

Many kids don't have school today and tomorrow.  We have school.

Did you change your clock?  Do you have to do this in your native country?

Saturday, October 31, 2015

Happy Halloween!

What are you doing tonight?  Are you trick or treating?  Are you working?  Are you having fun?

Monday, October 26, 2015

Always on My Mind

What little things should spouses do for each other in order to keep the relationship strong?  Write about a time you were happy with someone because they did something nice.

"My American Cousin" episode with past tense

Write about your last trip.  Where did you go?  What did you do?  Were the people nice?  Was the scenery beautiful,  Did you stay at a nice hotel?

Thursday, October 22, 2015

  • Who do you call when you want someone to comfort you? 
  • or
  • Do you like to sing?  What do you sing?  How often do you sing?  Did you ever sing in front of people as a performance?    
  • or
  •  Write about a time when a friend showed you that he or she was a better friend than you had realized.

When you were little

End this video at 1:47....

What did you do when you were little?

Wednesday, October 21, 2015


Parts of Speech

We usually spend our time in class just practicing English.  If you learn grammar, though, you can learn patterns that teach you hundreds of correct ways to speak and write in a very short time.  You can also learn what's NOT correct in educated English.  The problem with grammar, though, is that it has its own crazy vocabulary that you never use in real life.

Parts of speech classify words.  It's easier to understand grammar if you understand these categories.

Evening Class Homework

Pronouns are words that substitute for nouns.  

The homework for evening class is about pronouns.

Instead of using my name -- Laurie Jane Spangenberg Scheible, I can say "I" or "me."  Instead of using the name-- Arnold Schwarznegger-- I can say "he" or "him."   In the homework, replace the name of the person or animal with the object pronouns in the word bank.

Pronoun Table

Lot of information and practice with pronouns

Evening Class Spelling Words

Tuesday, October 20, 2015

Could be Paradise

Today we talked about using "could" for past ability.  Here "could" indicates present (or future) possibility, but the pronunciation is the same.

What do you think of when you think about paradise?  Where are the most beautiful places you visited?

What did you want when you were a child?  What did you enjoy?

Can you do this?

Can you find 3 English grammar or spelling problems in the next video?  

Grammar Practice with "can"

OK -- this next video starts fast and there's some more bad grammar and spelling -- I don't like "gone" for "is going to," "gonna" for "is going to," or "camoflauge" for "camoflauged," but the chorus repeats really good pronunciation of "Can you do this?" and it's fun.

What could you do when you were a child?  What can you do now?  What do you like to do?

Friday, October 16, 2015


Describe a good friend, an old friend, or a new friend!
Today, we talked about cars.

Practice basic car vocabulary

More parts of a car vocabulary

Review and expand car vocabulary, and try the listening test

Practice some vocabulary for driver's problems  (Note:  we say registration stickers rather than tabs in Northern Virginia.)

This next video is fast, repetitive and really tacky.  I hope it's amusing for you.

Do you like to drive?  Do you need to study for the driving test?  What kind of car do you want?


Maria brought quinoa to morning class today!!  I love Maria's quinoa.  Before I met Maria, I tried to make quinoa for my family because it is very healthy.  My children said, "We don't want to eat birdseed."  Maria taught me to dry toast the quinoa in the frying pan before I boil it.  Now my family loves quinoa!  Make the grains pop like popcorn in a dry frying pan before you cook it.  Once it pops, the texture is softer and more like rice.

Thank you Maria!!  Maria--please give us a recipe!!

Cooking Quinoa (after it pops in the frying pan) in English

Recent article about quinoa in Time Magazine

Did you enjoy eating quinoa?  I first ate quinoa because it is very healthy.  What do you eat when you want to be healthy?


Erika brought a delicious Ceviche today!! 

According to Wikipedia, ceviche is a popular international dish prepared in a variety of ways throughout the Americas, reaching the United States in the 1980s.[1] The greatest variety of ceviches are found in PeruColombia, and Ecuador; but other distinctly unique styles can also be found in coastal HondurasEl SalvadorBelize,Guatemala, the United States, MexicoPanama, the Caribbean, and several other nations.[1][8]

Here is a recipe I found on youtube.  Make sure you add cilantro at the seasoning stage.  I love the taste of cilantro and lemon in Erika's dish.  Erika -- please tell me if this is the same, similar or different from what you did today!

Did you taste the Ceviche?  Have you had it before?  Can you tell me a story about eating Ceviche? Thank you Erika!!

Thursday, October 15, 2015

Everything I do...

Do you already know this song?  Does it bring back memories?  Please write about a memory with this song if you have one.

 I like the written lyrics of this video better than my last blog post of this song, but I'm not sure I like the model's facial expressions.  Do you like the model?  Can you describe her?

Have you ever made a sacrifice that you are happy you made?

Tuesday, October 13, 2015


Thanks to Salvador and his sister, morning class at Pimmit enjoyed delicious Pupusas today!!

I found a Martha Stewart video that explains how to make pupusas in English.  Salvador -- please tell us if this is correct!

Was today the first time you ate pupusas?  If so, did you enjoy them?  If not, how often do you eat pupusas?  Do you have a favorite restaurant for pupusas in this area?

Wednesday, October 7, 2015

Adele "Make You Feel My Love..."

What makes you feel loved?  What do you do when you love someone?

Tuesday, October 6, 2015

Computer Class

Try the Ventures Arcade Blue Level Unit 1

Pick any question in the main section and make a comment.  The questions in "Describing Personality" may be easy and interesting.

After that, please explore the blog.  If you find anything interesting, tell everybody.

Class Vocabulary -- Try in order: Flashcard -- Scatter -- Speller

Want to practice Grammar?  These posts go well with this Unit -- Please comment and tell me if they are easy, difficult, or you don't understand.

Order of Adjectives

Present Continuous (progressive)

Simple Present

Frequency Adverbs

present vs. present continuous (progressive)

What would you like to write about?

Thursday, October 1, 2015

Describing Personality

Adjectives describe people, place, things, and ideas.  Can you describe yourself?  Can you take a picture that symbolizes or shows your adjective?  Can you write what happens in one of these skits?

I can...

(The long instrumental--no words part--goes from 1:20-2:23)

We say "go the distance" to mean complete the race or do everything you need to do to meet your goal.  I've seen many students get fluent in English.  If that's your goal, we can definitely go the distance together.

Using "can"

What can you do best?  Can you take a video or picture and bring it to class or send it (or a link to it) to me at

Can you write about doing something really well in the comments?

Wednesday, September 30, 2015

Beautiful in White

Write about a wedding you attended.  Is it traditional for a bride to wear white in your former country?  


What makes someone beautiful?  Can you describe a beautiful person?  Who is the most handsome actor or singer?  Who is the most beautiful actress or singer?  Who is the most beautiful person in history?  Is beauty only skin deep or do you think pretty is as pretty does?

Is there one love?

Are you married or single?   Do you think each person has one chance at a good partner or good relationship?  How can single people find good relationships?  How can married people keep their relationships good?

Preparing for terrible weather -- Emergency Phone Numbers to Print Out

Is there school?  Call 703-658-1274 or click on emergency announcements for Fairfax County  If the children's schools are closed, we are closed.  If they are delayed or late, we are on time.  We rarely close for rain.  We often close for snow.

For emergencies that can cause death:   911

Public Safety Non-Emergency: 703-691-2131   
Snow Removal - VDOT: 1-800-FOR-ROAD (1-800-367-7623): 
For weather and road conditions: visit
follow @511northernva on Twitter; for smart phones

Verizon Customer Service: 1-800-VERIZON (837-4966)"My phone doesn't work.  I live at 224 Richmond Hwy #14"

Dominion Virginia Power: 1-866-DOM-HELP (1-866-366-4357)
"There's a power line down at 2011 River Road"

Washington Gas: 1-800-752-7520
"I smell gas.  It may be a gas leak.  It's at 21 Maple Avenue."

Fairfax Water: 703-698-5800
"There's no water at 201 Main Drive

Cox Cable Customer Service: 703-378-8422
"My cable is out."

When the weather says a storm is coming, charge your cell phone.

These phone numbers were provided by politician Penny Gross of Mason District

Tuesday, September 29, 2015

Love reign (rain?) over me

My husband loves "Love Reign O'er Me."  It has some fast parts and long instrumentals, but I think you'll be OK with most of it.

Do you like the rain?  Do you sing, dance, or walk in the rain?  Do you stay dry inside?  Tell me about a rainy day.

Monday, September 28, 2015

Evening Spelling Words

Homework Note

I don't need you to scan the worksheet to my email address.  I want you to write an email to me.  Write about yourself.  You can use the worksheet as a model.  Thanks!!

Welcome to morning class Pimmit students!

Today's Class Vocabulary--There's also a link under "vocabulary" on the upper right.  
(You may have to go down to the bottom of the page and click on "view web version" to see the links if you are on a tablet or cell phone.)

It's nice to meet you!  I am very happy we had 21 students today!  Please tell me about yourself. What's your name?  Where are you from?  Do you live nearby?  Is your family here?  Do you work for money?  What do you like to do?

Wednesday, September 23, 2015


Today, we talked about getting goals.  We wrote small short-term goals for English class.

Using this blog can help you improve your English.  Please "make comments" -- answer questions to practice your writing.  You can answer any question on any post at any time.

Also, every class I put words that you ask about on electronic flashcards --Fall 2015 at Plum Vocabulary.  These cards can speak the words for you and help you remember them.  I really like the matching game and "speller."  I also like that the program works on most smartphones.  You don't need to sign up to use the set even though Quizlet wants you to.  You can sign up and add yourself to the class and show me how hard you work on vocabulary!  There's always a link to quizlet cards on the upper right side of the blog.

What are some of your other goals?  Do you have a bucket list?  What do you want to do after you have excellent English?

Pope Francis is here!

Are you going to see Pope Francis?  What do you think of him?

Write about a time you saw a famous person or a parade.

Tuesday, September 22, 2015


Today is a Muslim holiday when people remember that Abraham sacrificed a ram instead of his son.  Explanation of Eid.

(Later Note:  I wrote this post before I heard the news)  Condolences to the families of the 700 people killed and to the many injured during their Hajj on this day.

File:Based on that tradition, Hajj pilgrims sacrifice a sheep, goat, cow or camel and give away the meat to the poor. - Flickr - Al Jazeera English.jpg

Did you celebrate Eid?  What did you do?  What did you eat?  Can you give the class any delicious recipes?  Do you like to eat mutton?  Do you often help other people?  How?

Monday, September 21, 2015

Welcome Fall Students!

("thats" is really spelled "that's"= that is)

Tell me about yourself.  Who are you?  Where are you from?  How long have you lived in Virginia?  Is your family here?  Do you have a big family?

What do you want to talk about in English class?  What will you do when you have excellent English?

Monday, September 7, 2015

Testing Dates--Do you have friends that want to take ESOL classes?

 If you have any friends that might want to take ESOL classes, tell them to call first, then come on the testing date for their most convenient location.

Testing Dates
Bryant Adult Center
2709 Popkins Lane, Alexandria, VA 22306
9/22, 9 a.m.
9/21, 6 p.m.
Chantilly HS
4201 Stringfellow Rd
Chantilly, VA 20151
9/8, 6 p.m.
Edison HS
5801 Franconia Road
Alexandria, VA 22310
9/15, 6 p.m.
Herndon Adult Center
400 Elden Street
Herndon, VA20170
9/14, 9 a.m.
9/14,  6 p.m.
Mott Community Center
12111 Braddock Rd
Fairfax, VA 22030
9/15, 10 a.m.
Pimmit Adult Center
7510 Lisle Ave
Falls Church, VA 22043
9/21, 9 a.m.
9/22, 6 p.m.
Plum Center
6815 Edsall Road
Springfield, VA 22151
9/9, 9 a.m.
9/14, 6 p.m.
Willston Center
6131 Willston Drive
Falls Church, VA 22044
9/15, 9 a.m.
9/21, 6 p.m.
Woodson HS
9525 Main Street
Fairfax, VA 22031
9/14, 6 p.m.

 FCPS adult ESOL link  (Includes phone numbers for the sites)