Monday, November 17, 2014


Practice Using Should

Should you come to class when you are sick?  What should you do when you have the flu?  What should you do when you have a migraine?  What should you do when your muscles are sore?
What should you do when you are pregnant?  

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

When I'm sick should not go to class.

If I have migraine should take painkillers, rest, close my eyes, obscuring the resting place. I should also take care of the diet. I should try to respect the hours of rest and sleep.

Patients with normal symptoms of flu should get plenty of rest, should take painkillers, should drink plenty of fluid and within five to seven days should be the same.

When we know the cause of muscle aches, pains so we should prevent future:
Should stretch before and after exercise.
Should spend a few minutes of stretching when you rise. Should increase your level of difficulty gradually, not by leaps and bounds. Should drink plenty of fluids before, during and after exercise.
At work: Should without obligation your activities as much as possible and try to stretch at least once an hour.


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