Friday, November 28, 2014

Thursday, November 27, 2014

Are you cooking?

What are you cooking today?

I'm making a very easy sweet potato casserole.  I buy two cans of sweet potatoes, one can of pineapple chunks and a bag of big marshmallows.  I drain (pour out in the sink) most (but not all) of the liquid in the sweet potatoes.  I pour out (or drink) a little of the liquid in the pineapples.  Pour the sweet potatoes in a casserole dish, pour the pineapples (with a lot of the juice) on top, put the bag of marshmallows on top, and bake at 350 degrees for about 25 minutes.  Check at the end to make sure you don't burn the marshmallows.  They should be a medium brown, not black!  This dish is extremely easy, extremely sweet, and very popular with my children.

Peanuts Video--A Holiday Tradition

One holiday tradition we always did when I was a child is watch the Peanuts Holiday Special.

Another really common tradition with kids is watching the Macy's parade on TV.

Happy Thanksgiving!

It's tradition to think of things that you feel thankful for on Thanksgiving.  On Friday, Heber said he likes to come to class because his classmates are so nice.  I do too.  Thank you for that!!

This video is an ad from a quilt company, but it shows what my family always does at Thanksgiving.  It's fast, but I think most of you can catch most of it.

Thank you, ChengYang for sending me pictures!

Since you already (before now) thanked me, please tell me some other (not me, not the class) things you are happy about!

I'm also thankful for eating good food, being with friends, feeling healthy, wearing warm clothes, using a heating system, spending time with my patient husband that likes to cook, shopping with my son who came home from college...

Monday, November 24, 2014

Comparing & Competing

Comparative & superlative explanations and practice

Do you like to compete?  Did you ever compete with a sister or brother? What do you like to do well?  Please write me a story when you did something better than someone else.  

Saturday, November 22, 2014

Great Acting!

You did a great job with the soap operas!  Did you have fun?

Wednesday, November 19, 2014

Song-- Pills

Do you ever have trouble with insomnia?

Practice Medical Labels

REEP world medical labels (When you put something in ABC order, you put the first letters of the words in the same sequence as the alphabet -- ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ.
Example:  apple orange banana should be apple, banana, orange

Monday, November 17, 2014

Didn't have to = not required

That's the Way she heard it should be....

I don't think the singer should get married, do you?  This is the most depressing "let's get married" song ever.


Practice Using Should

Should you come to class when you are sick?  What should you do when you have the flu?  What should you do when you have a migraine?  What should you do when your muscles are sore?
What should you do when you are pregnant?  

Wednesday, November 5, 2014


Learning English takes a lot of patience.  Raising children also requires patience.  What other things require patience for you?