Tuesday, September 30, 2014

Practice grammar-- simple present

We often use simple present in class.

Examples that use "simple present":  My name is Laurie.  I like chocolate.  She doesn't like hot weather.  Do you like to cook? She has long, wavy hair in a bun.

Do you want to practice the grammar?  Click here:  simple present grammar

Extra Credit:  Can you make a quick video similar to the examples in the English with Sound and Light?

Can you write many examples of simple present sentences?  

Monday, September 29, 2014

Happy Birthday Alvi!

How do you celebrate your birthday?  Do you celebrate children's?  Can you tell me about a wonderful birthday?

Evening September 29

Good Evening.  How's it going?  I'm fine.  How was your day?  busy.  How was your weekend?  pretty good.  What did you do?  I went to an airshow in Leesburg with my family and some friends.

We took a reading test.  Don't worry if it was difficult.  It's supposed to be difficult.  You may have a really good score even if you didn't finish it.

"Read All About It"
The "Oh's:  are a little long.  "Bite your tongue" means be quiet when you really want to say something.  "The papers" are newspapers.  "Wanna" is how we say "want to."  "Gonna" is how we say "going to"  Never write "wanna" or "gonna"  in a formal essay, but you can use this spelling for texting or for a note to a close friend.  If you like lyrics, you'll see them spelled these incorrect ways really often.

A few people practiced unscrambling sentences into Subject--Verb--Object order.

A subject is the main noun.  The verb is an action word.  The object usually receives the action.

Examples in Subject--Verb--Object order:  I ate chicken.  You took a test.  He read the book.  She did her homework.  We will study a lot in English class.  They drove the car.

Subjects: I, You, He, She, We, They.  Verbs:  ate, took, read, did, will study, drove.
Objects:  chicken, test, book, homework, a lot, car.

Auxiliary Verbs--helping verbs.  When you have a verb that's two or more words, the main verb tells the meaning and the auxiliary verb(s) usually shows the tense.  Auxiliary verbs also start yes/no questions. Do, be, have, should, can and will are common auxiliary verbs.

Do you like to read?  Tell me about something you read.

Nice to meet you morning students!

I enjoyed meeting you today.  We met our classmates.  We talked about the class.  We talked to each other.

Some of my students improved quickly by watching lyrics videos while listening to the songs. .

A verb is an action word.  The verb tense indicates whether the action happens in the past, the future, right now, all the time, etc.  We practiced asking questions with do or did.

Today's Vocabulary

For homework, think about two small goals you want to get in this English class.
If you can, tell me about yourself in the comments.

Wednesday, September 24, 2014

Evening Class Homework

Please write 6 sentences.  Tell me three things you do every day.  Tell me three things you did over the summer.  If you want to write more, go ahead!

Sept. 24-- Evening Class in Review

Opening Dialog:

A:  Hey!  What's up?    B.  Not much   The weather is terrible, isn't it?  A.  Yes, it is.  I hate the rain.

C:  The weather is terrible, isn't it?  D:  Not for me.  I love the rain!

We often use negative-sounding  (isn't/aren't/don't) "tag questions" to ask for confirmation or agreement.  You're in my English class, aren't you?   (Yes, I am) Answer tags just like a positive question.

Are you reading the class blog?  Yes, I am.
You're reading the blog, aren't you?  Yes, I am.
Are you at school right now?  No, I'm not.
You're at school right now, aren't you?  No, I'm not.

Make tags with the contraction of the negative form.  Do not separate.
don't you?  do not you
aren't you?  are not you
isn't he?  is not he

Practice Vocabulary

Tonight we worked on goals.

Many students want to improve their speaking.  We'll talk a lot in this class.


Our second biggest group wants to practice reading.

Most students worked on dictations in pairs.  Most of you did a tremendously good job on those.
We also asked each other questions to play BINGO.

In BINGO, when we asked about something finished in the past, we asked with "Did you...." (past tense)
When we asked about preferences and habits, we asked with "Do you... (present tense)

If you keep practicing, you'll be speaking really well really fast.  Chase those small goals!!

Monday, September 22, 2014

Good Evening Plum Students!

September 22, 2014

Nice to meet (or see) you Plum students!

Tonight we started to get to know each other.  We introduced ourselves and interviewed partners.

We read an overview of the class and some class rules.

We practiced saying, "I do too" when we agree with positive things (in present tense.)  We say, "I don't either" when we agree with negative things.

He lives in Springfield, and I do too.
She doesn't like to wait, and I don't either.
She likes chocolate, and I do too.
You can say, "she likes watermelon, and I like it too."
DON'T say "she likes watermelon and I like too."

We practiced using to+base verb when talking about activities we like.
Don't use an "ing" form of a verb after "to"

I like to talk.  (talking)
I like to cook.
I like to listen to music.
He likes to drink wine.
She likes to eat fish.
We like to go shopping. (going)

We listened to "I won't give up on you."  It was fast for most of the students.  We went over a little of the vocabulary.

Class Vocabulary

Sign up so I can see your progress -- Don't get superpowers for $$ --

Who did you meet tonight?  Tell me about a classmate

Lyric Video--I Won't Give Up

Wednesday, September 17, 2014

Describe your family

Tell me about your family.
(I'll tell you about my family as an example)

I have a husband and five children.  I don't have any brothers or sisters.  My parents are 83 years old.  They work part-time because they like their jobs.  They love to watch American football on TV.  My dad loves the Washington Redskins.  My mom loves the Dallas Cowboys.  They are happily married anyway.

Sweet Child of Mine Lyric Game

My children are growing up.  Two go to college.  Two go to high school.  My sweet baby is in seventh grade.  Four of my children are taller than I am.  (I tell them it's not a big accomplishment because I'm very short.)  Four of them have light blonde hair.  My 4th child has dark brown hair like her grandparents.  Two girls have very long, blonde hair.  My brown-haired child keeps it cut to medium-length.  My older son has a crew cut.  All five of the children have pale skin and blue eyes. My girls are short and skinny.  My boys are average in height with wide shoulders.  All my children work hard at school.  They like to read, swim, sing, and play computer games.

Tell me about your family.

Tuesday, September 16, 2014

I love autumn weather!

(After 1:40, the video plays instruments and repeats)

Autumn is harvest time for many farmers.  If you miss living close to farms and eating really fresh food, don't be sad.  It's a little more expensive, but it's possible to get fresh produce here.

What is your favorite season?  I love autumn, but I like spring a little better.  I like pretty flowers better than leaves.  My husband likes autumn better because his allergies are bad in the spring.

School started for my kids, but not for us.  I'm cleaning, organizing, and getting ready for classes.  What are you doing?

Monday, September 1, 2014

Happy Labor Day!

Today, outdoor pools opened for the last day in 2014.  People had picnics and family get togethers.  Stores had sales.   Banks and federal offices were closed.  Many schools start tomorrow.  Today is Labor Day!