Tuesday, October 20, 2015

Can you do this?

Can you find 3 English grammar or spelling problems in the next video?  

Grammar Practice with "can"

OK -- this next video starts fast and there's some more bad grammar and spelling -- I don't like "gone" for "is going to," "gonna" for "is going to," or "camoflauge" for "camoflauged," but the chorus repeats really good pronunciation of "Can you do this?" and it's fun.

What could you do when you were a child?  What can you do now?  What do you like to do?


Rayad said...

I can swim and play tennis table .
I like to study English and watch movie and go shipping and I like to chat with my friend on the facebook

Jung hwa said...

I could imagine and jump rope as a child.
Now a day l can takecare of child and catch the wider.
But l can't draw a picture well and change the mind.
A though I am happy to meet just me .

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