Friday, December 11, 2015

Wednesday, December 9, 2015

Don't rush off...

We practiced several phrasal verbs today.  Phrasal verbs have two words and unique meanings from the words separately.  Drop has a different meaning from drop off.

Advanced Level Phrasal Verbs Dictionary-- study this only in small doses. You are better off talking to people or watching TV in English than you are memorizing this.

What phrasal verbs do you know?

Tuesday, December 8, 2015

The Cupid Shuffle


The dance:

I always thought "walk it by yourself" meant dance your own way, but I like how this man "walks it out" better.  I wish I'd seen the dance tutorial before I taught the dance!  I'm often surprised at what we can find on youtube now.

Do you like to dance?  What kind of dancing do you do?  Do you know any dances you can teach the class during the party on Thursday?

Monday, December 7, 2015

It's been a long day without you....

My AM class had a long day -- that reading test makes people tired.  I miss my PM class.  We often say we had a long day when stressful things happen.  How was your day today?

December 7

Today is Pearl Harbor Day in the USA.  The USA began fighting in World War II because Hawaii was bombed by Japan.

I haven't seen the movie that goes with the next video.  Have you?

For me, December 7 is the day that lives in infamy, but people from other places think of other things.
Sylvia said that December 7 is "Candle Day" in Colombia.  People get the day off work,  Everyone in the family lights a candle, and you can see many beautiful candles in the neighborhood.  In the Catholic church, people celebrate the Virgin Mary's conception on December 7.

Do you like to study history?   What past times are the most interesting for you? 
Are there dates that your country commemorates? 

A home

House Vocabulary from

(Great job today on doing the listening test on the smart board!!)

A handyman can fix many things.  Do you have any needs that could use a handyman?  Did you ever fix something?  What did you fix?

Friday, December 4, 2015

It's Time to Sign Up for Winter Classes!!

Morning classes at Pimmit start on January 11, 2016.  They cost $299 for the tuition, $35 for the book, and $20 for a registration fee.  If you pay before the last class in the term and have great attendance, you don't pay the $20 registration fee!  Most of my AM students qualify -- great job!!

If you stay in my level, you don't need a new book.

If you have a friend that wants to take English, tell them to talk to the office as soon as possible and to come on January 5 to test for the level.

Thursday, December 3, 2015

Computer Class AM at Pimmit in December 2014


Where? Use the preposition

This video is similar to the exercise we did today in class.  
Stop at 5:37 because the teacher changes topics.

This video is long, but it's well done and has many excellent examples

Where are you?  Where is your brother?  Where is your child?
    (I am at school.  I don't have a brother.  My children are at five different schools right now.)

Tuesday, December 1, 2015

Who moves up?

Everyone takes a reading test, but I'm not supposed to "teach to" that test, and it's only one factor in whether you move up.  Since many people take different tests, I can't really teach to the CASAS reading test anyway.

 I want my students to succeed, and I will move you up if I think you will be okay in high intermediate.  I assess students at the end of the term on their levels in listening, speaking, and writing. The CASAS test you take will place you in reading.  If you meet many of the exit standards higher than the level of my class, you move up.

Some things on the list:

--The student initiates conversations in English
--The student asks questions when he or she doesn't understand
--The student uses present continuous, simple past, future, and simple present verbs correctly
--The student follows class instructions.  The student can observe and figure out what to do even when he or she doesn't understand every word of the instructions

I usually keep students in my level when
-- listening is really hard.  If you have trouble following directions in my class, I won't move you up.
-- the reading level is below high intermediate.
-- they are frequently speaking their native language during class -- if you feel you need translation in my class, you don't need a harder class
--they often seem disengaged or miss most of the classes.  People who don't understand don't like to participate.  If you don't participate, I will think you probably don't understand.

I'm sorry this video doesn't have subtitles yet...

Are you moving up, but grammar is really a problem?  Please Do these exercises and tell me if they work for you

How much? How many?

Use a lot (+) or much (?,-) for non-count.  Use many or a lot for count.

Sorry about the wierd fake accent in the next video, but I think it summarizes today's grammar.  I use "many" in positive statements, but not "much."

If it's all a little too much -- you feel overwhelmed -- like your life or your goal is too hard.

I remember the 80's, but not this next song.  Despite the claim that the video was made for English Language Learners, the author wrote "wan't" when it should be "won't."

What do you have too much of?  What do you have too many of?