Saturday, May 9, 2015


In class, I promised to post the homework.  I'm sorry I'm late about it.  I assigned 3 easy pages in the workbook.

Workbook --Original Edition (you got your book before this term) p. 26-27, handout (copy of p. 17) Ventures 2 (you got your book this term) p.17, 30, and 31

Constant Optional*  Homework:

  • Practice English conversation as much as you can, anywhere you can
  • Copy any corrections you've gotten for work done for class.
  • Read the blog -- watch and repeat lyric videos, write answers to the questions as comments, play quizlet games to review vocabulary.

You can see the vocabulary on a smart phone anywhere.  Science studies say that frequent, short reviews are great for your memory.  (Review means study something you saw before.)

If you do all the above and still have time and want to do more....

  • go over the Ventures (all yellow, all red,  blue 1-3) and easyesolgrammar on the blog.
  • check out the website links according to your needs,
  • make yourself personalized quizlet cards (with images NOT translations) any time you learn a word.

Here's the video we used in class.

*Optional means you can choose if you do it.  I won't check if you do it, but your English will get better faster if you do it.

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