Monday, July 15, 2013

July 15 R & E

We talked about the difference between "where" and "wear?"  Where is for location;  wear is for clothes.

Examples:  Where are we?  (We're at school.)  What color do you like to wear?  (I like to wear blue.)
Do you wear a uniform?  (Yes, I do/No, I don't)  Where do you wear your uniform?  (I wear it at work)

We talked about short answers.  Short answers should match the question.  Be with be.  Do with do.
(Did with did, have with have, should with should, can with can, will with will....)

To Be:  am, are, is...
Are you happy?  Yes, I am.
Are you tall?  No, I'm not.
Is he here?  Yes, he is.
Is she here?  No, she's not
Are we learning a lot?  Yes, we are.
Are they learning a lot?  No, they aren't.  They aren't at school.  ( No, they're not.  They're not at school.  is also correct.)

Do:  do, does
Do you like to watch movies?  Yes, I do.
Do I talk too slowly?  No, you don't.
Does he like her?  Yes, he does.
Does she like him?  No, she doesn't.
Does it rain a lot?  Yes, it does.
Are we busy?  Yes, we are.
Do you like movies?  Yes, we do.
Do they have cell phones?  Yes, they do.

Short Answer Practice Exercise--Say what it is before you click on the arrow to see the answer

We talked about should.  Should is good advice.  When you do what you should do, you do the perfect, excellent deed.  We do many good things that we should do.  We do some bad things that we shouldn't do.

Use a simple, base verb with should.  No s, ed or ing.
I should give some examples.
You should practice every day.
He should come to class.
She should tell me what happened.
It should be sunny tomorrow.
We shouldn't worry.
You should speak more loudly.
They shouldn't be cruel when they tease her.

Use a simple/base form verb after should.  No to, s, ing, or ed.

"To Learn English" should/shouldn't quiz press the down arrow to change if you should change...

English Club Quiz --click on the arrow and pick the best option

Some people practiced writing and  advising each other with should.  Some people took a reading "CASAS" test.

Vocabulary:  near-close  cruel-mean, where/wear, should, tease, double-times 2, twice-two times,
once-one time,
nag-repeat advice too much,--VERY FAST example video of common advice from moms.

hiccup video CNN report--the weatherman with hiccups

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