Is there school? Check emergency announcements for Fairfax County
When weather or other emergency situations require closure of FCPS schools, ACE classes are also canceled; when FCPS classes are delayed, ACE adult classes will begin on time.
ACE students may sign up for Keep in Touch (KIT) messages and have them delivered directly to their e-mail, cell phone, or both with up to date, detailed information on the delay and/or closing information. Please click the link below to sign up for KIT messages.
Politician Penny Gross sent some phone numbers that we can use if there are problems because of the snow. You may want to print them in case your power goes out.
For emergencies that can cause death: 911
Public Safety Non-Emergency: 703-691-2131
Snow Removal - VDOT: 1-800-FOR-ROAD (1-800-367-7623):
follow @511northernva on Twitter;
Dominion Virginia Power: 1-866-DOM-HELP (1-866-366-4357) "There's a power line down at 2011 River Road" |
Fairfax Water: 703-698-5800